Workplace Needs Assessments

Our occupational psychologists provide neurodiversity workplace needs assessments and identify reasonable adjustments for employees to achieve their full potential at work. Our workplace needs assessments to help people with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, and mental health conditions identify the tools and support to thrive in their roles. We consult with human resources professionals (HR) and line managers as part of the neurodiversity workplace needs assessment to provide neurodiversity in the work place as part of the reasonable adjustments at work. We carry out face-to-face neurodiversity workplace needs assessments in London, Nottingham and Birmingham. We provide online neurodiversity workplace needs assessments nationally throughout the UK.
Our workplace neurodivergent needs assessments:
- Reduce workplace absence.
- Improve staff retention.
- Mitigate against employment Tribunal Claims.
- Improve workplace mental health and well-being.
- Increase productivity.
We believe everyone brings a wide range of valuable skills and capabilities to the workplace, and the workplace needs to assess the strength of this diversity. We do this by improving the understanding of managers of their workplaces and barriers that can be mitigated against disabled people at work.
Workplace needs assessments are designed to offer employers and employees greater insight into the challenges that employee's place of work because of diversity. And how this may impact their productivity, mental health, well-being, well-being, and confidence. As indicated above, we make reasonable adjustments and ensure these changes can be implemented effectively.
Workplace needs assessment can occur face-to-face, by video or by phone, depending on the preferences and circumstances of the individual concerned. The recommendations can be made available to HR, the employee, and their line manager. We will work with the line manager and the employer to identify solutions and often provide onsite observations and mentoring coaching part of the assessment.
As part of the assessment, we will look at the job description of the workplace and help carry out an objective evaluation of the needs and the difficulties the disabled person has at work.
These adjustments do not have to be expensive or complex to make a tremendous difference. There is even a grant available to help pay for assistance.
Find Out More About Workplace Needs Assessments
Workplace Needs Assessment
What is a Workplace Needs Assessment
Autism Workplace Needs Assessments
ADHD Workplace Needs Assessments
Dyslexia Workplace Needs Assessments
Neurodiversity Workplace Needs Assessments
Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD and Dyspraxia Assessments
Occupational Health Psychology Assessments
Well-Being Assessments
Neurodiverstiy At Work - CIPD
Neurodiversity At Work - ACAS
Neurodiversity in the Work Place
Strengths Profile Assessments
We work with organisations, coaches, and managers to identify the strengths of employees and those seeking employment. The strengths provide identified leadership strengths, and we build on this by assessing cognitive strengths and abilities such as verbal, visual, and spatial skills to determine who these skills support particular job roles.
Excellent 5/5
* * * * *
Find A Psychologist Near Me

Advanced Assessments - Psychologists for Legal, Education and Employment
Open Now - 24 hour Service - Open Weekends
We work throughout the UK
UK: +44 208 200 0078 Emergencies: +44 7071 200 344
Advanced Assessments - Expert Witnesses & Psychologists, 4th Floor, 49 St. James's Street, London, SW1A 1JT
180 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9ER
Also at: Westhill House, Highgate Consulting Rooms, 9 Swain's Lane, London N6 6QS
Please do not attend our office if you do not have an appointment
Twitter: @ExpertWitness_
We are a part of the Strategic Enterprise Group