Occupational Health Assessments by Occupational Psychology Experts

Assessments of Mental Health in the Workplace, and Support.

Psychological occupational health support, Return to work support for managers and employees. Assessment of employees and workplace adjustments for mental health and neurodiversity.

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Occupational Psychologists

Occupational Psychologists work with organisations and individuals to carry out of a range of occupational health psychology interventions from occupational health assessments of depression, and other mental illnesses to developing strategies to support organisations manage mental health at work.

Mental Health At Work

Our work with organisations and individuals typically involves working with managers and individuals to get them to better identify the signs of mental health at work and support individuals who have a mental illness in the workplace. We help reduce the levels of absence and work with individuals and organisations to help them return to work earlier.

Managing Mental Health at Work

Occupational Psychology Experts

As occupational psychology experts, we also called on to advise whether an individual is disabled because of their mental illness or other condition (within the meaning of the Equality Act 2010) and whether its reasonable for an organisation to make reasonable adjustments.

As mental health experts, we provide occupational health psychology reports to organisations on long-term sickness absence, the cause of psychological injury and likely prognosis.

As occupational psychology experts, we are often instructed to carry out assessments of malingering and symptom exaggeration. These occupational health psychology assessments are conducted using the objective psychological tests and the information from a wide variety of sources.

Learn More About Mental Health At Work

Occupational Health Psychology Assessments

We produce occupational health psychology assessments for Employers, Employment Tribunals, and Courts.


Psychologists provide rehabilitation and support both so that employees develop strategies to help cope better with the underlying causes of psychological illness.

By addressing the underlying issues leading to the sickness absence we can make a real impact by minimising the chance of re-occurrence. Our strategies help to cut the costs of sickness absence and improve productivity significantly.

Occupational psychologist experts also work with organisations to identify the cause of mental illness at work, and where changes to the organisation’s practices and procedures can be made we advise organisations of these and help them manage the change process.

Monitoring Surveillance and Prevention

A programme on ongoing reviews can be implemented to make sure that employees continue to safe to carry out their existing roles. Where necessary we can carry out alcohol and drug testing.

Risk Assessments

Occupational Psychologists carry out psychological risk assessments and put in place strategies to reduce mental illness at work. We also carry to risk assessments of the suitability of individuals undertaking particular roles, which may put other employees, services users or the organisation's resources at risk

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Advanced Assessments - Psychologists for Legal, Education and Employment
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UK: +44 208 200 0078 Emergencies: +44 7071 200 344

180 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9HF
Also at: Westhill House, Highgate Consulting Rooms, 9 Swain's Lane, London N6 6QS
Please do not attend our office if you do not have an appointment

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